Grated Carrot Salad (Carottes Râpées)

Spring is springing and soon we’ll be segueing from winter oven cooking to summer grilling. This carrot salad is another one of our more popular market sides and while it’s fantastic in summer when good carrots abound at your favorite farmers market, it makes a great side for spring dishes. For example, this will pairContinue reading “Grated Carrot Salad (Carottes Râpées)”

Lucky Lentil Soup with Garlic Sausage for New Year’s

Happy New Year!  Around the world you can find people eating lots of different foods in order to bring good luck and fortune.  In Italy the good luck dish is lentils and cotechino (a sausage).  No cotechino laying around la mia casa, but I did have some lentils and some of my garlic sausage soContinue reading “Lucky Lentil Soup with Garlic Sausage for New Year’s”

Soup Time: Manhattan Clam Chowder

It’s cold and damp out there.  Soup weather.  Now, soup is not that complicated to make so don’t be scared of making it from scratch.  I hadn’t made any in a while (because it was summer) and since Cheryl and I sampled some really good chowder in Seattle last weekend I decided to make aContinue reading “Soup Time: Manhattan Clam Chowder”

First Fall Dish – Lamb Stew with Backyard Garden Vegetables

I probably say this every year but fall is by far my favorite time of the year to cook.  It’s nice to get back in front of the stove after cooking on the grill all summer.  I just feel more creative in the fall, there’s only so much you can do with the grill, andContinue reading “First Fall Dish – Lamb Stew with Backyard Garden Vegetables”

Palette de Porc a la Biere (ou en anglais Beer Braised Pork Shoulder with a Dijon Mustard Sauce)

Over the weekend Cheryl requested something new and untried for Sunday dinner and said she’d pick from the cookbook shelf.  The winning recipe of the ones she chose: Bourdain’s Palette de Porc a la Biere; a.k.a beer braised pork shoulder with mustard sauce.

Getting Colder Outside, Make a Hearty Vegetable Garbure!

Your first question is what the heck is a vegetable garbure?  Short answer: a ham and vegetable French peasantry stew.  Long answer: a French stew I found in Ruhlman’s Twenty which enabled me to use up the bacon rind I’ve been saving in the freezer from the last time I made bacon.  Doesn’t it alwaysContinue reading “Getting Colder Outside, Make a Hearty Vegetable Garbure!”

Couscous Salad (don’t worry, summer’s almost over)

Ok, back to summer salads!  This particular couscous salad is Cheryl’s favorite.  I’m not sure if there’s a special ingredient in it she really likes or if it’s the combination of everything, but whatever it is she gets very happy when I make it.  As with most of my summer creations, this couscous salad isContinue reading “Couscous Salad (don’t worry, summer’s almost over)”

Summer Lentil Salad

Hot summer days require something cool to go with whatever you’re grilling.  Cold salads fit the bill nicely.  As you’ll see, I like making a lot of different salads in the summer.  They can be made ahead in bulk and chilled in the fridge, ready to be served or packed up and taken on aContinue reading “Summer Lentil Salad”

Mushroom and Carrot Risotto

Ah risotto.  Siiiiiiiigggghhhhh.  I’d say this is one of those dishes every budding home chef ate at a restaurant or saw Mario make on tv and said to themselves “I have to learn how to make this!”  Risotto’s not quite the Holy Grail of home cookery but I’d say it’s one of the top adventuresContinue reading “Mushroom and Carrot Risotto”

What’s for Sunday Dinner: Braised Pork Ribs with Apple-Curry Sauce

Yesterday was a beautiful day in Chicago.  The sun was shining, temperature was in the mid-60s, and everyone was out soaking it all up.  It reminded me of something I read once about Calvados, the French apple brandy, being like a glass of summer sunshine.  That description has always stuck with me and I thinkContinue reading “What’s for Sunday Dinner: Braised Pork Ribs with Apple-Curry Sauce”