Cold Melon Soup for a Hot Summer Day

It all began with a broken stick blender. A few weeks ago as I was trying to puree some fruit for our son the immersion blender we’ve had for well over a decade finally called it quits. Through the efficient wonder of the ‘Everything Store’ a new blender arrived on our doorstep the very sameContinue reading “Cold Melon Soup for a Hot Summer Day”

Blueberry Season – Blueberry Cake and An Easy Blueberry Lacto-Ferment

Blueberry season is here. Saw the first tableful pop up at the market a couple of weeks ago and was excited for them. One of the easiest ferments in the Noma guide to fermentation is blueberries. All of the lacto-ferments in it are pretty easy (like those mushrooms) but I think these blueberries turn outContinue reading “Blueberry Season – Blueberry Cake and An Easy Blueberry Lacto-Ferment”

A Sweet Rhubarb Treat: Pickled – No Strawberries Required

On Sunday we went to our local farmers market and Cheryl, who hadn’t been to it with me in about a month, was kind of amazed at the sight and state of things. We keep reminding ourselves the spring growing season comes earlier here in the DMV and with it more options. I mean myContinue reading “A Sweet Rhubarb Treat: Pickled – No Strawberries Required”

Chive Blossom Butter – Take Advantage of Seasonal Herbs

One of the simplest things you can do to preserve seasonal seasonal flavors is make compound butter and freeze it. Chive blossoms have been abundant the past few weeks so you know what I’ve been up to.

Pepper Paste – An Alternate Paste

So you’ve reached that point in your home cooking where the tricks and flavors you’ve been using are now like that lonely end of the loaf of bread you baked 5 days ago…a little stale. Guajillo pepper paste (and its broth) is another of my go-to’s which can be added to almost anything year round.

Pandemic Bread – NOT a Sourdough

First off let me say: this is NOT a sourdough bread recipe. It’s not a no-knead recipe. It’s not a Dutch oven recipe. This is just straight up mix it all together, rise, shape, bake free-form post. You want a consistent loaf of bread for toast, sandwiches, etc.? Here you go.

Salt & How to Cook A Pretty Near Perfect Steak

This is going to seem like a very simple post on cooking a steak but I think it’s one which needs to be written based on A LOT of pandemic cooking photos I see on social media channels. Also, because my mom asked.

Grated Carrot Salad (Carottes Râpées)

Spring is springing and soon we’ll be segueing from winter oven cooking to summer grilling. This carrot salad is another one of our more popular market sides and while it’s fantastic in summer when good carrots abound at your favorite farmers market, it makes a great side for spring dishes. For example, this will pairContinue reading “Grated Carrot Salad (Carottes Râpées)”

Sweet & Savory Shepherd’s Pie

It’s been a month since we moved in and despite the little things left to do, (like hang pictures) I’m settling into the layout and nuances of the new kitchen…although I do miss my stove and convection oven. Anyway, this Shepherd’s Pie (or is it Shepherds Pie?) is a twist on an old classic, actuallyContinue reading “Sweet & Savory Shepherd’s Pie”

Fermented Mushrooms – Triple Threat of Flavor Enhancing

Ok so I don’t necessarily want this to become all fermenting all the time but but it’s what I’ve been playing with and believe me now that we’re all moved and settling back into life I have a lot of goofy things I want to try. Like last week’s post I tried the lacto-fermentation techniqueContinue reading “Fermented Mushrooms – Triple Threat of Flavor Enhancing”