Happy Thanksgiving! One Last Bite, Homemade Pumpkin Pie for Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!  Pumpkin pie has always been my favorite Thanksgiving dessert, ever since I was a little kid.  As I was making this the other day I was reminded how quickly pumpkin pie can be put together.  The dough takes about 2 minutes to make and 20 to chill.  In that amount of time youContinue reading “Happy Thanksgiving! One Last Bite, Homemade Pumpkin Pie for Thanksgiving”

Some Tips on Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner for the First Time

So this is it!  This is the year you’re not dealing with all the hassle of traveling and will be making Thanksgiving dinner for yourself and a few friends.  Good for you!  Despite all the drama you’ve witnessed throughout your life surrounding Thanksgiving dinner it’s really not terribly difficult to prepare if you’re sensible.  IfContinue reading “Some Tips on Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner for the First Time”

Guancialini – Homemade Cured Pork Cheeks

Things have slowed down a bit work-wise and as you may have noticed I’ve been doing some adventurous stuff lately.  One experiment I was eager to try was curing some pork cheeks into guanciale.  It’s been on my ‘to-do’ list but I always kept forgetting to ask about pork cheeks when in a butcher shop. Continue reading “Guancialini – Homemade Cured Pork Cheeks”

Rabbit in Mustard Sauce (ou en Francais, Lapin à la Moutarde)

Wednesday nights are reserved as date night for Cheryl and me.  Most of the time we go out for dinner but occasionally she lets me cook a ‘fancy’ mid-week one for her.  The whole point is to spend some quiet time together while trying something new.  I’m pretty sure the idea for rabbit came upContinue reading “Rabbit in Mustard Sauce (ou en Francais, Lapin à la Moutarde)”