Culatello and Fiocco – I Am Ham, Ham I Am

When we returned from our Tuscan vacation back in October I was extra-inspired to try curing new things like salumi and hams. Eating prosciutto all week will do that to you. Inspired, yes, but not quite ready to go whole hog (ha ha ha) and hang an entire leg in my basement. Instead, I optedContinue reading “Culatello and Fiocco – I Am Ham, Ham I Am”

Nduja – Taking The Next Step on The Path of Charcuterie

I am very excited about this week’s post. The first time we ate nduja was years ago at The Purple Pig here in Chicago and neither of us knew what it was, except that it was really fricking awesome. It’s a Calabrian sausage (toe of the Italian boot) and it is spicy! Spreadable, you canContinue reading “Nduja – Taking The Next Step on The Path of Charcuterie”